Thursday, January 24, 2013


Some of the aquaintences I have or have had in my life are just unbelievable. Using Facebook as a weapon to talk about others or to say something to someone passive aggressively and in the obscure third person. I really don't get it. Not to mention, when I see that these same ring of people create Facebook pages just to plan a dinner together? Why bother, unless it is your intent to show others that you are getting together.

To add insult to injury several of them "lament" that pictures are posted from these get-togethers and "hurting" other peoples' feelings, yet you rubberstamped the OPEN Facebook page dedicated to dinner. You are sad, sad, sad, small-minded people. I wish I was in a position to tell you not to speak to me anymore, but some of you are so evil, it would be social suicide. I am smarter than that. I am above that. I wish you all would rise-up and just enjoy eachother, IF you really enjoy eachother, instead of working so hard at keeping others out. What happened to you in this life or a past life that makes you so dreadfully mean? I wish I could make it better for you, but then I come to the realization that I don't think you WANT anyone to make it better for you. I think, like a pig in mud, you LOVE reveling in the misery that is your life. I feel sorry for you.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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